Rib Smash Session :: Jace

Rib Smash Session – Richmond Hill Photographer
Cake’s for babies he said.
Just kidding. He can’t talk so the real story is my dislike for cake smash sessions and his mom’s desire for something fun to celebrate his 1st birthday produced this little gem of a session.
A little BBQ sauce (ok….ALOT of sauce), some ribs, beans, and some corn makes for a pretty freaking cute ‘cake smash’ session.
Don’t get me wrong, cake smash sessions are adorable, but I see so many of them in my industry that it’s hard to be creative. I’ve decided, several times over, not to offer these but when a friend or really loyal client asks, I just can’t say no. My only rule is we have to do something crazy and different. Something that hasn’t been done 300o times.
So just like that, a ton of ribs from Big Bone BBQ arrived at my front door with a ridiculously cute baby. Forget the ribs I just want to eat him!
Happy 1st Birthday you saucy little man!