Landon :: 6 Months Session

6 month milestone photography is bigger than you think. I met Landon when he was just a newborn. He still sort of looks the same but still sort of looks totally different! Kids really do grow fast and I try to stress to my clients how important capturing these moments are. The things they do and learn in just a short time frame are so easy to forget. You think you will remember when they started sitting but the second they can stand that memory gets bumped back. It’s true, I learn the hard way every day!
With that said, these sessions are perfect to capture their little personalities. The 6 month milestone is kind of a big deal. The facial expressions kill me! Gummy smiles, moments of annoyance with us for trying to pose them, and candid laughter of parents. These are the things we don’t alway notice every day let alone capture as a memory for an album or our walls. We all strive for the perfect family photo but if there is anything I have learned since having my daughter is those random photos that you didn’t think were all that great at the moment are actually the ones you look back on and smile at. The ones that captured your family naturally in the moment.
Looking forward to more smiles from this guy in years to come!