Family Photos :: Cousins

Family photos will always be one of my favourite things to shoot. I wish back in the day my mom used a professional photographer. Maybe then half the heads wouldn’t be cut off or photos wouldn’t be blurry or have a finger across the lens. Then again I wish she used a professional to cut my hair too. She told me it’s cute that your bangs are crooked and choppy. It’s the style. Even before the world of DIY and Pinterest was around she thought she could do it just like the professionals. Maybe one day I will share. Maybe not.
When I got the email from these girls moms, I was excited to be shooting some of my husbands cousins kids. I hadn’t really had a chance to get to know the mom’s as timing at family events just never really worked out. So glad we finally got to chat as they are fantastic. Don’t know why I would expect anything less from family but you just never know. This brings me to how freaking cute their daughters are. Guess good genes run in the family!
As always the weather had a mind of it’s own and decided to rain just as we were starting the session. Grey skies can be a photographers best friend and worst enemy. Glad we got do some outdoor shots…mind you the ones we got inside crack me up. Just never know until your in the moment what’s going to work.
Would you believe when I was driving away the sun came out and it was that beautiful yellow glow that everyone wants for their photos. Never fails! Thank you Mother Nature for being sooooo cooperative. Don’t panic though. These girls are too cute for a little rain to take down!